This Is Me..
Hello, My name is Jacqueline Lorraine. But, I go by Jace.
I want to stop disappointing people, because I want to stop disappointing myself. I want to stop making friends with the right kind of people who make me feel wrong. I want to find a passion for anything that will keep me going and keep me inspired I want total honesty to be easier to achieve and I want equality to exist among everyone. Especially prejudiced teenage girls. I want stress and exhaustion to disappear. I want to achieve everything they never did. If you tell me I can't do something, chances are I will try to do it until I succeed. I am small and mighty. I flow with creativity and chase my dreams because I want to end my life as myself and not as my friends or family and not who they always expected I would be. I am sixteen years old and chances are, you will never know who I really am because I am constantly changing my mind.
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